Arunkanth V. Independent Candidate, Coimbatore Constituency
Read Manifesto - English Version
Tamil Version - Updated as Videos on my Social Media Handles.
I am Happy to inform you that I am contesting for the Lok Sabha Polls 2024 and I am here to educate and create awareness on the need to create a Happy & a Healthy Nation.
I shall voice out and stress the points made in my manifesto for the welfare of Coimbatore & the Nation at large.
Time's up for our people to move away from Party Politics and start Voting for a Person with Good Character. This shall create a level playing field for Independent Candidates as well.
My Symbol : Sandclock | Hourglass
I am Happy to inform you that I am contesting for the Lok Sabha Polls 2024 and I am here to educate and create awareness on the need to create a Happy & a Healthy Nation.
I shall voice out and stress the points made in my manifesto for the welfare of Coimbatore & the Nation at large.
Time's up for our people to move away from Party Politics and start Voting for a Person with Good Character. This shall create a level playing field for Independent Candidates as well.
My Symbol : Sandclock | Hourglass
#IndhaNilaiMaarum #Arunkanth

Manifesto of Arunkanth V - English Version
This symbol has been chosen which depict we have only a limited time in the world and the countdown has started years back. Let us do good deeds and go away peacefully.
2: Another major vision is to create a Happy & a Healthy Nation more than a developed Nation. Being happy, healthy and contended shall be the purpose of life. All my ideas and suggestions shall be focused on this vision.
3: I shall continuously create awareness about educating the public on Geo Politics and how it affects them in their day to day life and the next generation.
4: Educating about lifestyle changes to people to lead a healthy life via continuous camps organized by volunteers every week in the city.
5: Educating people about how they can protect themselves from daily financial scams that pop up. A ‘Scam Alert’ app shall be initiated.
6: Abolishing the Pass & Fail concepts in the education system and creating a culture where companies start to recruit candidates based on knowledge / skills and not just certificates. Tons of Streaming TV channels shall provide education on all possible subjects and topics by teachers across the world where our citizens can access it at a cost that is completely affordable by all. This shall also create additional earning possibilities for any freelance teachers who wish to provide education for all by themselves online. There shall be a Hop-in Hop-out academy established for anyone to learn any topic at anytime and develop their skills. This is for people who believe ' I need knowledge and skill and I am least interested in Certificates'.
7: Freelancing culture in all the industries using a world class web portal will be introduced. Let people decide their own salary for their experience. This will encourage people to develop their skills to get employment, as I strongly believe that there is no unemployment and there is only a situation of ‘unfit for employment’.
12: Make fountains in every 2 sq km to make sure there are water bodies for the city birds to drink water as they cannot go to the shop to buy a mineral water bottle by paying through UPI and also to make our city look beautiful.
13: Will take efforts to set up a Seperate radio station & tv channel to support independent music and independent films and make a decent monetizing model for independent content creators as currently they have no source of a decent income as their internet revenue is less than what a beggar earns per transaction / offering.
14: Convince the GST council to increase the GST rates to additional 100% for movies with U/A and A certification where the movie has violence, too much negativity, drug usage and other psychological harmful content. That extra money should go as a benefit to movie makers who provide feel good content for our society. Will also take steps to eradicate all the scams in every division of filmmaking to protect the investors and talents, as there is a Non-Investor friendly market currently prevailing in our country for new & upcoming talents. (Note : The entire scam and unethical business practices and solutions to curb them is outlined in the Website.)
15: The advertising industry needs a revamp to make sure products and services are not advertised through stories and exaggeration using celebrities and the advertisements must carry only facts.
16: Bring in press and media reforms to create a culture to post 80% positive news and make them create a seperate section to support new / upcoming talents and good people in the society who perform positive actions. Such people deserve a spotlight every single day which does not exist. Friendly Reminder : The Press / Media is suppose to be the 4th Pillar of Democracy.
17: Will voice for major medical reforms in medical education system in such a way that being a doctor is no more a lucrative business and medical education will be given to candidates only with social worker mindset. There will be no salaries to doctors and nurses, as their families will be given a decent living by the government.
19: Stop external countries investing into indian medical systems & food industry to protect the safety of our population which is our strength and creating an Indian Hub for indigenous medicine making. This is highly necessary to prevent bio-war and sabotage of our population.
20: Bring in reforms to restrict social media access for any content viewing that cause psychological damage & content that depletes the lifestyle and time of our citizens which has no positive benefit. A massive list of websites and apps that push such content will be banned.
21: Will study the possibilities to bring legal reforms to make sure lawyers also become accountable if they knowingly support and protect a criminal using loopholes in the system and not disclosing such info in the courts. Law education shall be provided to volunteering social service workers who will be a support to people without funds for legal activities.
22: Establish a southern capital at Coimbatore considering the vast geography of our Indian landscape to speed up administrative work and also enhance the cross culture understanding to create harmony between the north and the south. Will also voice for setting up another Supreme Court & Parliament building at Coimbatore.
23: Develop a culture that stresses on showing respect to the fellow human being right from childhood. Kindness, Discipline, Courage, Hygiene, Fitness, Self Respect & Nature protection will be made as compulsory educational topics for all age groups.
24: GPS and AI systems shall be used to detect movements of unauthorized personnel & vehicles who cause harm to Mountains, Rivers, and other natural assets. They will be dealt by the Indian Army, Air Force & Navy stringently.
25: National highways and state highways will have trees that are planted on both sides of the road that give fruits. This will make sure there is no begging for hunger. All they need to do is wake up early.
26: Educational support camps for farmers will be made on a regular basis with support systems from a new R&D wing to cultivate food produce without harmful chemical poisoning the cultivation. Usage of poisonous chemicals by farmers will be deemed as an intentional criminal activity. Crop insurance shall be given to only farmers who do not use poisons in food cultivation.
27: Vast barren lands will be converted into mini forests to create cool weather and fresh air. It shall be an ecosystem for small animals, birds & insects.
28: Every residential area will have Micro water catchment well / pond to increase the water table and will act as a rain harvesting storage via collective connective routing mechanism to redirect collected water from every building.
30: Government owned properties, offices, and buildings will be renovated to superior quality standards with additional multi-storey structures to create private co-working spaces in the additional space created and also to provide optional accommodation to employees in the same building. This plan will also generate revenue to maintain the government offices buildings and also ease the traffic chaos.
31: Night Shift work culture to be completely eradicated as it is against nature and it affects the health and well being of our citizens. Flexible work timings shall be introduced where people can choose to work whenever they are comfortable and their salaries will be based on their contribution of work. This will create a healthy work atmosphere and also create an ecosystem that makes good workers earn better than lazy unprofessional workers. This will also encourage people to spend more time with their families.
32: Everyday must end with positivity and positive entertainment. Local Music, Dance, Stage Plays and Art events shall happen everyday in the city to promote the local talent and Tamil language which shall also provide stress relief to our people.
33: Will introduce an advanced Spy network in the city to alert a team specially appointed to handle and report local crimes in the society. The Spies shall be trained and placed in rotations to monitor various activities. College students shall be also hired as paid interns as they are aware of local crimes better than anyone else such as drug pedalling. All the spies shall be given tactical training by experienced agents. I cannot reveal more on this workflow as this is suppose to be a secretive activity. 34: Will strive to educate and implement lane discipline and traffic behaviour for motorists to eliminate traffic violations and accidents and also to bring a noise free atmosphere. Innovative ideas with private-public collaboration shall be in place to curb the traffic menace.
35: Department of Creative Strategies to be introduced to do R&D on creative and innovative suggestions received from public to sort out various issues in the city and society. This team will also give consultation to the city planning authorities and monitor implementations on a parallel route. A diploma course shall be introduced with training from visiting faculties only who are experts on city planning.
37. Alternate offbeat ideas shall be studied to support people with suicidal thoughts and help them come out of any depression they may be in.
39: Barter system shall be reintroduced like the good old times to support the Exchange program in a scientific manner. A separate ecosystem with a sophisticated web portal and offline stores shall be introduced for people who wish to live off the wall. This will enhance production and distribution and remove stock piling of the inventory and encourage a habit to support each other fellow citizens in their own ways.
40: People must work only on their passionate careers so that the products and services to the end user will be delivered with great quality. A monthly resignation camp shall be introduced with career consultation programs to re-employ / support the entrepreneurial mindset to do match making of passion : career. This will create a shuffle ecosystem and ease of transition from their current career into passionate dreams.
41: De-licensing of financial firms and organizations that scam the public with exorbitant charges. Will take necessary steps to curb such unethical business practices. There shall be a nominal threshold limit set for eradicating greedy and unethical practices.
42: Micro funding with extremely low interest rates with holiday period will be introduced to provide short term relief to public from financial stress they may go through month on month. This will help them come out of their loans that burden their families mentally. An educational awareness program shall be in place to support such people in debt and give consultation to create a roadmap to help them come out of the same.
43: People shall be incentivized and encouraged for providing ideas and participating in welfare activities that helps the government and local corporations. Such requirements & rewards shall be posted on a daily basis on the internet. This shall provide employment and motivation to people to work for instant money instead of spending their time effort a savings on gambling activities.
44: There shall be an upper limit set on the total property worth an individual can own. This rule shall apply to existing property owners as well. A 5 Yr time period shall be given to them to sell off their existing excessive properties beyond the said threshold. This massive selling shall bring the real estate prices to normalcy and distribute wealth to individuals without properties.
45: Reduction of graveyard real estate and burial grounds shall come into force where the dead person occupies 6x3 (18 sqft of Indian geography). All religions shall be politely educated and convinced to move into burial seed ball or cremation. The existing graveyard shall also become the micro forest that I had mentioned earlier.
46: Voicing the need to Abolish income tax to make sure people declare everything they earn by any means so that the money flows into the economy and not stashed abroad or stored in hidden cash troves.
48: An app shall be developed with AI technology where any product in the country can be scanned on phone to provide info with Red Yellow Green signals for purchase guidance. This shall create an ease of understanding of the ingredients used in products. The code words for ingredients shall be eliminated and font size of ingredients shall be increased. The back cover shall be replaced as the front cover and wise-Versa when displaying products in departmental stores. This system will be used to expose adulterated products in food products. The same concept shall be replicated to medicine as well. This system will also show an alert if that particular scanned product is banned else where in the world. Such products with red alerts shall be rooted out from the economy on a war footing.
49: Police personnel residences shall be relocated to different areas where in each area there will be atleast 2 or 3 policemen residing. The police stations shall be redesigned to become a place where people do not feel intimidated to enter. Any intimidating workflows shall be curbed and police personnel shall be trained to handle general public in a more gentle manner.
50: Freelance Photographers & Documentary filmmakers shall be incentivized if they promote the tourism in and around Coimbatore. Such documentary filmmakers shall also be rewarded if they make their documentary episodes to bring out and educate the Science behind Hindu Way of life. They can also make video / podcast episodes to even find out the scientific goodness in other religious practices as well.
Note : More such reforms are being processed in my mind and this list shall be constantly updated.
Why you should Vote for an independent candidate ? To make sure the votes of the mainstream candidates shall be reduced proportionately so that they get a scare in their mind to keep up their promises and behave in a good way. They need to know people will slowly stop supporting them if they do not behave appropriately or unethically. This is also like have a good opposition.
Regards, Arunkanth V. Independent Candidate, Coimbatore Parliament Constituency.
Kindly Note : The below points are the ones that I will give Voice for if I win or lose to make sure the Central Government which comes to govern the country takes into consideration for analysis & implementation.
Here we go ….
1: I will work towards eradicating the Symbolism & Party System and create a level playing field for independent candidates. I shall also try to convince the election commission of India to introduce a red button and green button in the voting machine where every voter has an option to De-vote a candidate who has cheated them by not keeping up their promises. Such negative votes must be deducted from total votes polled and then the result must be declared. This shall make only good people win elections and provide a level playing field for newcomers.
2: Another major vision is to create a Happy & a Healthy Nation more than a developed Nation. Being happy, healthy and contended shall be the purpose of life. All my ideas and suggestions shall be focused on this vision.
3: I shall continuously create awareness about educating the public on Geo Politics and how it affects them in their day to day life and the next generation.
4: Educating about lifestyle changes to people to lead a healthy life via continuous camps organized by volunteers every week in the city.
5: Educating people about how they can protect themselves from daily financial scams that pop up. A ‘Scam Alert’ app shall be initiated.
6: Abolishing the Pass & Fail concepts in the education system and creating a culture where companies start to recruit candidates based on knowledge / skills and not just certificates. Tons of Streaming TV channels shall provide education on all possible subjects and topics by teachers across the world where our citizens can access it at a cost that is completely affordable by all. This shall also create additional earning possibilities for any freelance teachers who wish to provide education for all by themselves online. There shall be a Hop-in Hop-out academy established for anyone to learn any topic at anytime and develop their skills. This is for people who believe ' I need knowledge and skill and I am least interested in Certificates'.
7: Freelancing culture in all the industries using a world class web portal will be introduced. Let people decide their own salary for their experience. This will encourage people to develop their skills to get employment, as I strongly believe that there is no unemployment and there is only a situation of ‘unfit for employment’.
8: Bringing in single window system to give refund to private associations who do self development works in their respective areas instead of waiting for the local corporation to address the problems.
9: Will stress on banking reforms to give funding to startup companies, MSMEs for Marketing and not just producing and also build an ecosystem to make new innovations visible in the market. Shall work towards convincing government to set up malls exclusively for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises. The shops will be rent free with a small revenue share to maintain the mall.
10: Bring in fresh system that monitors rent control norms to curb unreasonable real estate prices that cause harm the ease of living and protecting business from depleting their capital on rents.
11: Making Gardeners government employees and recruit massive number of gardeners who will maintain multi story buildings terrace gardens to create green cover in a compulsive manner.
12: Make fountains in every 2 sq km to make sure there are water bodies for the city birds to drink water as they cannot go to the shop to buy a mineral water bottle by paying through UPI and also to make our city look beautiful.
13: Will take efforts to set up a Seperate radio station & tv channel to support independent music and independent films and make a decent monetizing model for independent content creators as currently they have no source of a decent income as their internet revenue is less than what a beggar earns per transaction / offering.
14: Convince the GST council to increase the GST rates to additional 100% for movies with U/A and A certification where the movie has violence, too much negativity, drug usage and other psychological harmful content. That extra money should go as a benefit to movie makers who provide feel good content for our society. Will also take steps to eradicate all the scams in every division of filmmaking to protect the investors and talents, as there is a Non-Investor friendly market currently prevailing in our country for new & upcoming talents. (Note : The entire scam and unethical business practices and solutions to curb them is outlined in the Website.)
15: The advertising industry needs a revamp to make sure products and services are not advertised through stories and exaggeration using celebrities and the advertisements must carry only facts.
16: Bring in press and media reforms to create a culture to post 80% positive news and make them create a seperate section to support new / upcoming talents and good people in the society who perform positive actions. Such people deserve a spotlight every single day which does not exist. Friendly Reminder : The Press / Media is suppose to be the 4th Pillar of Democracy.
17: Will voice for major medical reforms in medical education system in such a way that being a doctor is no more a lucrative business and medical education will be given to candidates only with social worker mindset. There will be no salaries to doctors and nurses, as their families will be given a decent living by the government.
18: Massive scrutiny of existing medicines for their worthiness must be initiated on a war footing. Vaccines must be introduced only after 10 Yr. research and 100% success rate post which they will be made available as optional and never compulsory.
19: Stop external countries investing into indian medical systems & food industry to protect the safety of our population which is our strength and creating an Indian Hub for indigenous medicine making. This is highly necessary to prevent bio-war and sabotage of our population.
20: Bring in reforms to restrict social media access for any content viewing that cause psychological damage & content that depletes the lifestyle and time of our citizens which has no positive benefit. A massive list of websites and apps that push such content will be banned.
21: Will study the possibilities to bring legal reforms to make sure lawyers also become accountable if they knowingly support and protect a criminal using loopholes in the system and not disclosing such info in the courts. Law education shall be provided to volunteering social service workers who will be a support to people without funds for legal activities.
22: Establish a southern capital at Coimbatore considering the vast geography of our Indian landscape to speed up administrative work and also enhance the cross culture understanding to create harmony between the north and the south. Will also voice for setting up another Supreme Court & Parliament building at Coimbatore.
23: Develop a culture that stresses on showing respect to the fellow human being right from childhood. Kindness, Discipline, Courage, Hygiene, Fitness, Self Respect & Nature protection will be made as compulsory educational topics for all age groups.
24: GPS and AI systems shall be used to detect movements of unauthorized personnel & vehicles who cause harm to Mountains, Rivers, and other natural assets. They will be dealt by the Indian Army, Air Force & Navy stringently.
25: National highways and state highways will have trees that are planted on both sides of the road that give fruits. This will make sure there is no begging for hunger. All they need to do is wake up early.
26: Educational support camps for farmers will be made on a regular basis with support systems from a new R&D wing to cultivate food produce without harmful chemical poisoning the cultivation. Usage of poisonous chemicals by farmers will be deemed as an intentional criminal activity. Crop insurance shall be given to only farmers who do not use poisons in food cultivation.
27: Vast barren lands will be converted into mini forests to create cool weather and fresh air. It shall be an ecosystem for small animals, birds & insects.
28: Every residential area will have Micro water catchment well / pond to increase the water table and will act as a rain harvesting storage via collective connective routing mechanism to redirect collected water from every building.
29: Will strive to introduce people voting system on corporation portals and a separate App will be setup where people will get to decide which tender gets an approval for projects. Companies can post about their experience in handling projects on the same portal. Tender shall be issued based on people’s opinion and this shall bring only meritorious companies to handle projects. New startup companies will be encouraged to handle micro budget projects.
30: Government owned properties, offices, and buildings will be renovated to superior quality standards with additional multi-storey structures to create private co-working spaces in the additional space created and also to provide optional accommodation to employees in the same building. This plan will also generate revenue to maintain the government offices buildings and also ease the traffic chaos.
31: Night Shift work culture to be completely eradicated as it is against nature and it affects the health and well being of our citizens. Flexible work timings shall be introduced where people can choose to work whenever they are comfortable and their salaries will be based on their contribution of work. This will create a healthy work atmosphere and also create an ecosystem that makes good workers earn better than lazy unprofessional workers. This will also encourage people to spend more time with their families.
32: Everyday must end with positivity and positive entertainment. Local Music, Dance, Stage Plays and Art events shall happen everyday in the city to promote the local talent and Tamil language which shall also provide stress relief to our people.
33: Will introduce an advanced Spy network in the city to alert a team specially appointed to handle and report local crimes in the society. The Spies shall be trained and placed in rotations to monitor various activities. College students shall be also hired as paid interns as they are aware of local crimes better than anyone else such as drug pedalling. All the spies shall be given tactical training by experienced agents. I cannot reveal more on this workflow as this is suppose to be a secretive activity. 34: Will strive to educate and implement lane discipline and traffic behaviour for motorists to eliminate traffic violations and accidents and also to bring a noise free atmosphere. Innovative ideas with private-public collaboration shall be in place to curb the traffic menace.
35: Department of Creative Strategies to be introduced to do R&D on creative and innovative suggestions received from public to sort out various issues in the city and society. This team will also give consultation to the city planning authorities and monitor implementations on a parallel route. A diploma course shall be introduced with training from visiting faculties only who are experts on city planning.
36: Innovative products and services which help in electricity usage reduction and water usage reduction shall be highly encouraged. Any products / service that are manufactured or offered due tot he lack of quality electricity and water provided by the government, shall bear no tax / gst.
37. Alternate offbeat ideas shall be studied to support people with suicidal thoughts and help them come out of any depression they may be in.
38: NGOs will be monitored on a weekly basis and supported for their good activities. Senior citizens will have more entertainment activities to enable them to have a wonderful final phase of life. Talents and skills of the Differently abled citizens shall be identified and published on portals and private organisations shall be encouraged to support such talents.
39: Barter system shall be reintroduced like the good old times to support the Exchange program in a scientific manner. A separate ecosystem with a sophisticated web portal and offline stores shall be introduced for people who wish to live off the wall. This will enhance production and distribution and remove stock piling of the inventory and encourage a habit to support each other fellow citizens in their own ways.
40: People must work only on their passionate careers so that the products and services to the end user will be delivered with great quality. A monthly resignation camp shall be introduced with career consultation programs to re-employ / support the entrepreneurial mindset to do match making of passion : career. This will create a shuffle ecosystem and ease of transition from their current career into passionate dreams.
41: De-licensing of financial firms and organizations that scam the public with exorbitant charges. Will take necessary steps to curb such unethical business practices. There shall be a nominal threshold limit set for eradicating greedy and unethical practices.
42: Micro funding with extremely low interest rates with holiday period will be introduced to provide short term relief to public from financial stress they may go through month on month. This will help them come out of their loans that burden their families mentally. An educational awareness program shall be in place to support such people in debt and give consultation to create a roadmap to help them come out of the same.
43: People shall be incentivized and encouraged for providing ideas and participating in welfare activities that helps the government and local corporations. Such requirements & rewards shall be posted on a daily basis on the internet. This shall provide employment and motivation to people to work for instant money instead of spending their time effort a savings on gambling activities.
44: There shall be an upper limit set on the total property worth an individual can own. This rule shall apply to existing property owners as well. A 5 Yr time period shall be given to them to sell off their existing excessive properties beyond the said threshold. This massive selling shall bring the real estate prices to normalcy and distribute wealth to individuals without properties.
45: Reduction of graveyard real estate and burial grounds shall come into force where the dead person occupies 6x3 (18 sqft of Indian geography). All religions shall be politely educated and convinced to move into burial seed ball or cremation. The existing graveyard shall also become the micro forest that I had mentioned earlier.
46: Voicing the need to Abolish income tax to make sure people declare everything they earn by any means so that the money flows into the economy and not stashed abroad or stored in hidden cash troves.
47: Voicing the need to abolish manipulation in stock markets and eliminate option trading which is making unreasonable and intentional fluctuations in markets by the FIIs and DIIs. Will make mutual fund companies pay their customers a share in all profitable activities they involve in. Reforms shall be in place to eliminate the lock in period clauses. Financial agreements shall be made available in video format and audio format in an easily understandable way. This will help make citizens take informed decisions when getting into financial agreements. This video format and audio format shall also be made mandatory to other businesses as well.
48: An app shall be developed with AI technology where any product in the country can be scanned on phone to provide info with Red Yellow Green signals for purchase guidance. This shall create an ease of understanding of the ingredients used in products. The code words for ingredients shall be eliminated and font size of ingredients shall be increased. The back cover shall be replaced as the front cover and wise-Versa when displaying products in departmental stores. This system will be used to expose adulterated products in food products. The same concept shall be replicated to medicine as well. This system will also show an alert if that particular scanned product is banned else where in the world. Such products with red alerts shall be rooted out from the economy on a war footing.
49: Police personnel residences shall be relocated to different areas where in each area there will be atleast 2 or 3 policemen residing. The police stations shall be redesigned to become a place where people do not feel intimidated to enter. Any intimidating workflows shall be curbed and police personnel shall be trained to handle general public in a more gentle manner.
50: Freelance Photographers & Documentary filmmakers shall be incentivized if they promote the tourism in and around Coimbatore. Such documentary filmmakers shall also be rewarded if they make their documentary episodes to bring out and educate the Science behind Hindu Way of life. They can also make video / podcast episodes to even find out the scientific goodness in other religious practices as well.
Note : More such reforms are being processed in my mind and this list shall be constantly updated.
Any queries you have regarding this manifesto shall be answered only via email, as I also need to know whether the person raising the query is serious about discussions. Such queries can be raised from the Contact form.
Why you should Vote for an independent candidate ? To make sure the votes of the mainstream candidates shall be reduced proportionately so that they get a scare in their mind to keep up their promises and behave in a good way. They need to know people will slowly stop supporting them if they do not behave appropriately or unethically. This is also like have a good opposition.
Regards, Arunkanth V. Independent Candidate, Coimbatore Parliament Constituency.